This is from just north of the Grapevine in the minuscule hamlet of Grapevine. We tried to get to Grapevine but we got stuck in the on-off ramp vortex, so the parking lot of the Don Perico restaurant it was. Isn't it lovely how the hills frame the amber waves of grain? (By the way, that is tule fog, not haze or smog.)
Most of the birds at rest-stops were crows and starlings although i did hear one phoebe and one hummingbird. These guys looked like they were waiting for something tasty from the vending machines, but i think they were going to be a long time waiting. People didn't get much out of the vending machines--i don't think ice cream or even potato chips sell well when it's 40 something degrees out (F), and definitely no picnics going on either.
This is from Southern California Edison's AgTAC center, free demonstrations of energy efficient and cost-saving ideas. They have this cool sample wall, roofs and windows, so you can feel the difference from insulated houses, roofs, and windows, and they also have demonstration crops because 20-30% of the energy used in CA is used to move water: irrigation, drinking water, sewage. If you can grow crops with more efficient and effective irrigation, you save money, water, and energy. This is a corn field. Did you know they are graded by laser!? Tractors with lasers!
One way they've found to increase the yield from stone fruit trees is to prune them to grow like this. That's because you can plant them closer together--12 feet apart by 6 feet apart, instead of 12 x 12. Each arm of the V gets sunlight too, instead of having the center of the tree produce wood and twigs but no blossoms.

One way they've found to increase the yield from stone fruit trees is to prune them to grow like this. That's because you can plant them closer together--12 feet apart by 6 feet apart, instead of 12 x 12. Each arm of the V gets sunlight too, instead of having the center of the tree produce wood and twigs but no blossoms.

There were many trucks, oleanders, and tumbleweeds along the way, as well as fields and fields of grapevines. Flat land, and mirky with winter fog, it was a long drive but nice to see a different side of California. It's quite a different place up there.
And on that note, i am SO glad i don't have to go to Las Vegas next Friday. The undergrads are going to the Springs Preserve, which i would like to see, but it would be another crazy long day, not so fun. Instead, i'll go standby (Yay brother who will make captain in a month!) over spring break.
And on that note, i am SO glad i don't have to go to Las Vegas next Friday. The undergrads are going to the Springs Preserve, which i would like to see, but it would be another crazy long day, not so fun. Instead, i'll go standby (Yay brother who will make captain in a month!) over spring break.
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