Today two projects and a paper were due and homework (but the homework has been adjourned until Monday). The projects are turned in. The paper is being reviewed by my project partner. It's at least four hours before when i have been going to bed, no projects or homework due until Monday, and i feel like celebrating!
Wait a minute. There's a pile of readings due at midnight tomorrow, and another pile with a response paper due Friday morning. The celebration will be limited to air-popped popcorn and hot cocoa. No sprinkles.
Wait a minute. There's a pile of readings due at midnight tomorrow, and another pile with a response paper due Friday morning. The celebration will be limited to air-popped popcorn and hot cocoa. No sprinkles.

This lovely thing is one project that was due today. I think i was supposed to sand off the burn marks from the angle grinder, but i liked the dark lines and didn't sand to the point where they were removed. I learned a lot:
- Plywood is harder to seriously damage than you might think.
- Sanding off wood glue drips takes effort and layers. The stuff soaks in!
- Routers and angle grinders are difficult to control. I have a lot of respect for intricate woodwork (unless it's done with a laser cutter, which our shop has but i haven't used).
- Sanding for five hours can almost take the fingerprints off your thumbs!
- Even after sanding with 600 grit, a water-based coat will make the plywood buckle a bit. Sand and reapply.
- Expressing a concept in wood is tricky. Does this say "swirl" and "wave" to you?
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